We have a large selection of books and leaflets from the UK and branches all over the world.
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We have a large selection of books and leaflets from the UK and branches all over the world.
14 new dances and music celebrating the Centenary of RSCDS Edinburgh Branch, devised by their members and friends. There is an accompanying CD recorded by Muriel Johnstone, Pete Clark, Peter Shand and Tim Macdonald. Book and CD available for £20
This is the book of tunes to accompany the Paris book of Scottish Country Dances volume 3 published in 2024. The tunes are composed by members and friends of the Paris Branch
The third book from the Paris Branch timed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the RSCDS Paris branch, founded in 1984! The companion book of tunes is also available.
This is the book of tunes to accompany the Paris book of Scottish Country Dances volume 3 published in 2024. The tunes are composed by members and friends of the Paris Branch
The third book from the Paris Branch timed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the RSCDS Paris branch, founded in 1984! The companion book of tunes is also available.
These dances by Niall Bootland were all written while he was a student at the University of Oxford, or shortly thereafter. Any proceeds received will be donated to Oxford University Scottish Dance Society. Full instructions to each dance are given, but a set of more concise reference cribs can be found at the end.
This book contains dances which were either devised after the first three Woodhall Book volumes were drafted or did not fit comfortably in them. As with the earlier books, the dances here are mostly busy, complex or both and often have unusual or unconventional features. So they are generally more suited to reasonably experienced dancers. The PDF is...
This book contains dances which were either devised after the first two Woodhall Book volumes were drafted or did not fit comfortably in them. Like the earlier books, the dances here are mostly busy, complex or both and often have unusual or unconventional features. So they are generally more suited to reasonably experienced dancers. The PDF is available...
This volume by Murrough Landon is a companion to Woodhall Book 1. It contains dances which are not entirely symmetric but many of them still have symmetric elements or repeated patterns. Few of these dances are easy. They are more suitable for reasonably experienced dancers but even for them some dances will take a bit of learning and practice. The PDF is...
The 20 dances in this book and its companion volumes were devised by Murrough Landon for his own pleasure. He tries to create the kind of dances he most appreciate which tend to be busy, complicated, smoothly flowing and exhibit a lot of symmetry. The PDF is available to download.
A collection of original dances and music to commemorate J. Michael Diack. Dedicated to the memory of J. Michael Diack (1869–1946), who was instrumental in the founding of the [R]SCDS in 1923. The music recorded by Ian T Muir can be downloaded. All proceeds will go the MS Trust and the Joseph Thomson Masai Trust.
Another 20 dances published by Amy Luxton-Esler from New Zealand, and recommended for dancers at the Intermediate/ Upper Intermediate level and above. There is suggested music for all the dances.